- Plan
- Free Plan
- Standard Plan
- Monthly Fee
- 0$
- 300$ per month
- Annual Contract Discount Plan
(You can save 1 months)
- 0$
- 3300$ per year
- Number of product registrations
- unlimited
- unlimited
- Number of display images that can be posted (per products)
- 6 images
- 6 images
- Number of retail images that can be published (number of images per product)
- 9 images
- 9 images
- Top ranking in search results when using filters
- ✕
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- Featuring on Foodtrip specials(regularly posting and distributing seasonal products and new product features)
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- Featuring on the list of recommended products from the Foodtrip office (the content, timing, and destination of the distribution are up to the discretion of the Foodtrip office).
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- Spot mail delivery to be introduced in the future (coming soon)
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- Access reports (You can view analysis reports on the number of times a product is viewed, the number of inquiries received, and the inquiry rate)
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- Inquiry to Import Trading Company (In Preparation)
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- Inquiry button
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- Catalog Posting and Download Buttons
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- Disclosure of information when a catalog is downloaded.
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(You will be notified that the file has been downloaded, but only the company name and Inquiry will be displayed.) Disclosure of the name and e-mail address of the person in charge will cost 50$ per case.
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